It's so beautiful to desire focus and want to take intentional steps towards the abundance and joy you seek. And I know you're already taking these steps. The best part of this journey you're on is the renewed clarity where there was once confusion and suffering. And because you're on a soul mission, you want to know how it all comes together. It's so powerful to want a clear path.
This type of inner work closes the gap between who you want to be and how life is currently showing up. It gently and so clearly illuminates where we can heal, express your truth more and take aligned action where there used to be fear.
Transformational work isn't a clear-cut map, because you are too unique for a step-by-step plan. What it always does is offer you a new program to follow, a new way of being that will bring you in the direct you want to go- with your vision, relationships and the plans you have for your life. And this process work is what you get from this membership.
This membership is not a 6-week Bootcamp that feels epic in the container then leaves you feeling lost at the end. It is the living and breathing practise that pulses in your soul.
But you need to step into it, intentionally to receive the medicine.
And when we step out of the work, we can forget. And in your forgetting you revisit old patterns, and ways of being that are not you. Not you in your truth.
The real you is in direct connection with Source, God and Creator (or whatever words you use!). This connection is the home we continually seek to come back to. And along the way we navigate the self.
The one that voice talks to, who hears the voice talking.
The one that is aware of herself, almost seeing herself outside of it all peering in.
The one who watches herself go through the motions of life, who sees the suffering thoughts, feels the joy, the judgement and even the betrayal of her truth from time to time. The one who knows she is made for something bigger.
And with each new level we seek and reach, is the urgent call of the soul to come back to the teachings that woke you up in the first place.
Because, #realtalk, you've got big plans for your next steps in your journey! You have magical medicine to bring to the world that you know you're ready to embody.
I'm gonna cut straight to the chase...Here's the thing. I love mantras, affirmations, gratitude journals and inspiring memes like the next gal. They're beautiful and can pack a punch. What they can't do, sadly, is actually get into the deepest parts of us (AKA the subconscious mind, that dictates 97% of what we do in life). They are limited on their own. And these very limitations are why you're hitting walls, or striving to hit #BIGGOALS only to burn down the vision or sabotage it before it's even started. Like the carrot is forever dangling in front of us.
The truth is, the entire programming we grew up with is limited, and why we're feeling stuck, scared, unworthy or burnt out.
Bringing you back to your truth through the teachings is the essence of the transformational experience in this group.
After a year of running magical Moon Gatherings each month, it's clear how the power of intentionally gathering to release each full moon and manifest on the new moon, flows into all parts of our vision. These circles give you intentional space to show up and be directly guided.
How we Transform in this Powerful Space
We've been taught the key to happiness is following certain rules. And, sister, these rules will never get us there....
We've learned a backwards approach. Get the education, find that job, get married, buy the house, get the raise, have the 2.5 kids, THEN you can have the things you've been told you want and THEN you'll BE happy. thanks. We've seen this model break down and over and over again, leaving us feeling like nothing is working, seemingly stuck in our negative cycles. Asking ourselves: Is this really it?
No sister, it isn't. If you're feeling restless, GOOD. You're dialled into the deeper level of conscious shifting going on in the collective. AND, you're not alone.
Every single tool and process work we share here is directed at our deepest level of change so that the results are lasting. No more starting and stopping. You receive the foundation to truly step into your next level with confidence, clarity you need and grounded in purpose that is unwavering.
AKA, we work directly on the root of who we believe we are and what we believe is possible. We learn how to BE the person who has the life we know we want. What used to feel impossible becomes our reality. It's magical. And it works.
Being able to access my aligned truth and using my intuition has been the #1 resource that allowed me to leave my old job, create epic programs that sell out, and begin my 2020 year with an incredible 5 figure month in business. It's taken me TIME to get here and the sisterhoods and group spaces held my focus when I wanted to retreat and doubted my worth. We are, after all, human. We crave support, love and acceptance. And as the rise of the feminine takes more space, we need to have: -accountability for our vision -a safe space to be in our transition -a place to witness what is possible in collaboration with community -sacred circle, ceremony and ritual to bring us back to our truth, our light and our vision -a mentor and guide to walk with us (that's where I come in, sister)
learning how to be who we came here to be
There's a TON of talk in the online space about embodiment. And I LOVE it all. But I also know there are a few watered down versions of what it ACTUALLY is. Put suuuuuper simple: When it comes to your vision, embodiment is about BEING the living and breathing activation of the very medicine you offer. Your vision is YOU and because of this it is only fully activated and unfolded when YOU are activated in your highest potential. And this is exactly what we focus on.
And once we learn how to access+embody our truth we can start to express this authentic self with more ease, excitement and consistency. We can show up without the burn out and learn how to be expansive in our expressed self.
sustaining our expansion (aka not giving up)
The power of your expansion isn't just in the magical moments that drop in--unexpected money arriving (yay!) or unbelievable opportunities presenting themselves (double yay!). The power is in our ability to sustain and maintain the balance within as we create the life we're here to have. Holding the vision is waaaay more important that having it first come in. This is something I don't see taught that often.
We seem to get support with everything leading up to 'getting the thing' but often after that point our support systems become a little more illusive. I'm out to change this. There are easy and practical processes, tools and teachings to support ALL parts of your expansion. No more feeling like when something good happens we are left waiting for the other shoe to drop. Time to break the upper limits on how good you'll let your life be.
The thing is, time continues to pass and life will keep happening no matter what you do. And if you're not willing to intentionally step into change and DO the thing (AKA, join a group like this ) you must be okay with things staying the same.
I also know you've BEEN doing the things, making the changes and exploring the edges of your comfort zone. This is GOOD! AND, you get to have more along with the transformational support to bring you where you want to be faster.
You arrived here because you KNOW that something in this space is the exact magic and process you need. After running sisterhoods for years, here's what I know about doing this alone:
>> Doing it on your own takes waaaay more time. I'm talking years, here, not days. And we don't have the time we think we do, life is happening faster than we know
>> We all have blindspots in our transformation, AKA patterns that we go through that keep us stuck. Mentors (like me!) see these in ways you can't and directly help you navigate through them,releasing them like *POOF*.
>> Yesss, you're a unique snowflake AND we ALL struggle with the same blocks; worthiness, trust, fear, intuitive blocks and misaligned energy. This group dials directly into these blocks, freeing you from them
>> All the resources and processes I use are backed by science and they WORK. >> What got us stuck in the first place (AKA, using the old model of doing the things I talked about about) won't get us unstuck. If this means you're telling yourself you gotta make more time BEFORE you can join a group like this, it means you're going about it backwards. You join a group like this SO THAT you can BE the person who has the time she needs....see what I mean?
Cassie Upton, Coach, Magnetic Marketing Ninja!
WHO IS THIS MEMBERSHIP GROUP FOR? If you've been resonating with what you've ready so far, trust this. This is for you. That said, I work with visionaries and emerging leaders; women who are ready to sink deeper into purpose, while learning how to let go of old habits, patterns and ways of being that keep them playing small, feeling restless or sabotaging the good. I work with women who are ready and willing to show up to change and who know what they want. This membership group goes beyond just dropping in meditations or journal prompts for you. We meet for live calls, go through powerful monthly process work and support one another in our vision.
WHAT WILL I ACTUALLY LEARN/BE DOING IN THIS MEMBERSHIP GROUP? How to break patterns of thought, belief and action. AKA, learn how to shift yourself on the deepest level so that you can get the momentum, clarity and consistency you need to have what you want--a better relationship with yourself, your partner, move your biz forward, gain clarity on your next steps. Some quick examples: -Morning Alignment practises you can do, even if you're soooo dang busy in the morning -How to get the MOST out of your meditation practise, even if it's 10 minutes a day -The essential building blocks + foundation to receive; more money, more visibility, more clarity -The KEY foundation for alllllll the inner work you will ever do
WILL I GET SUPPORT FOR MY BUSINESS? Yeppers. You will also have access to members-only 1:1 sessions, so that you can have the level of support you need to fine tune your path. Business runs when we run, getting YOURSELF in alignment is everything. All the strategies mean nothing if we aren't able to actually use them. If you fear of going live, yet you KNOW it's going to allow more visibility (aka more leads and options to share your medicine) there's a block here. We support this so that you CAN go live and feel confident.
I WANT CLARITY FOR MY VISION, IS THIS A GOOD PLACE FOR THAT? Indeed, sister, it is. All you need is the willingness to be open + curious. Clarity ALWAYS comes when we've learned how to access it. We came here with all the answers to any questions we will ever have. Period. This membership gives you the practise of receiving them.
DO I HAVE TO SIGN UP FOR A SET TIME, WHAT'S THE COMMITMENT LEVEL? This is a monthly membership, which means it is a living and breathing sisterhood circle and course. Join anytime! The hosting platform I use insists I give you a set timeline of payments, which is set to 12 monthly payments. You can renew or opt out anytime. Buuut:::: >>>The BEST way to actually get what you desire is to ditch the story, "I'll join for a month and see how I feel". I SOOOOO get this story (used to run it!). The problem with this is we're using an old and limiting mindset. The most EPIC results my clients get is when they make AT LEAST a 4-6 month commitment. I mean think about, the last time you got results from something (aka LASTING results) how long did it take? 30 days? Likely not. And, TBH, we've been in our patterns for yeeeeeears! It's of major disservice that we only give ourselves one month to 'see how it goes'. THAT SAID, if you really want to opt out you are 100% in control of this choice~ it's a simple click of a button. But, you'll love it anyways, so let's celebrate that first!
HOW ARE THE PAYMENTS STRUCTURED? CAN I EMT IF I'M IN CANADA? The payments are automatically and securely done monthly via credit card or paypal. EMT's are tricky for me to track and keep on top of, so they are used for full 12 month membership and are required to be paid in 1-2 instalments. You can email me directly at [email protected] for this arrangement.
IS THERE 1:1 SUPPORT? Yes, yes and yes! You have the option to get that. You will have access to sign up for special, members-only, rates for 1:1 sessions so that you can have the level of support you need to fine tune your path. I will also be hosting bi:weekly online office hours for you to pop in and ask questions, get feedback in real time!
ARE THERE LIVE CALLS? Heck yes! This is my JAM and also what I am MOST excited about. Being in circle, listening to each other share, heal and raise our vibration TOGETHER is epic! And, TBH, chances are my founding members will get extra live calls slotted in because #ThatsHowIRoll!
I've been in this work of transformation, healing and personal growth for about 20 years.
One of the teachings I share is that you don't need a piece of paper to qualify you- you are qualified in your experience + conviction. With that said, I personally value working with coaches who embody their work and take the time to invest in professional development. That matters to me, and I'm gonna bet it also does for you!
I use certified modalities I have spent time and energy to learn, practise and master over time. Life+Success coaching along with the power of NeuroLinguistic Programming (one of the most POTENT modalities for deep, lasting shifts), Inner Engineering Level I through Isha Foundation, 12Month Business Program, YTT200, Reiki Level 1 and 2 and more than I have space to write here! Bottom line. I take time and am always intentionally upleveling my teaching, coaching and own healing. This has allowed me to grow, scale and sustain a very successful business as a transformational coach + mentor.
I've been teaching for 15+ years, you're in good hands, sister XO