We tend to operate everyday from a place of closed-fisted power, imagining that if we maintain our sense of control over things that our lives will be easier. If we wield this power, we will be stronger and better. Or so we think, and imagine. Try opening a door, or making your much needed morning coffee with your closed fist. And yet, this is often the place we operate from. The true seed of our power does not lie in the power of controling outcomes, but rather it exists in the open spaces that we allow ourselves to become when we simple let go. When we relinquish our desire for control through our closed fist, the peace and true power that lies within each of us can shine. Our lives become easier--the everyday tasks appear easier and enjoyable. Our closed fist no longer prevents us from doing all of the things we want. The power of the universe lies in our open palm.
Let me rephrase that, I WAS drowing in clothes. I came across a project called Project 333 It's a simple project that basically asks you to take a hard look at your closet, your drawers and the habits and mentality we take on around cur clothes. Our culture attaches so much of our identification on our connection and continued accumulation of our clothes. And its not enough to claim innocence through the purchase of second hand, either! (Somethiing I would say in order to justify the purchase) Accumulating is accululating. SImple. And so, I started the purge a few days ago. It's taken me though memories, some good and some not so good. One shirt reminded me of an awful funeral I attended for a dear friend's loss. I thankfully let it go and knew I couldn't wear it again. That was an easy one. But there were harder ones. And they went with everything else, but I can't say the memory left with them. And that's okay.
In the end, what we think is a momumentous task, often proves the most worthy of our time and energy. First world problems start with a full closet we feel we might be drowing in. We are free when we let go. |
AuthorLeanna Jane Lewis Archives
January 2020
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